Configuring a Multicast Rule

  1. Go to Policy > VLANS > Add, or select a VLAN.
  2. Select Add New Rule.
  3. Configure the following parameters:
    IP address
    Enter the multicast IP address for the traffic destination.
    Classless Inter-Domain Routing. An address aggregation scheme that uses supernet addresses to represent multiple IP destinations.
    Wireless Replication
    Enables the forwarding of multicast traffic from a wireless client to other wireless clients. If disabled, multicast traffic from wireless clients is forwarded to wired clients only. Wireless clients will not receive it.
    Indicates the multicast group associated with the rule. Multicast is a communication pattern in which a source host sends a message to a group of destination hosts.
    Block Non-Essential Broadcast
    When enabled, block non-essential broadcast traffic on a bridged at controller (B@AC) topology.
    This setting overrides user-level policy role definitions:
    • When the network policy is Allow All, all broadcast traffic except ARP and DHCP on a topology is blocked in both directions. ARP and DHCP broadcast traffic is considered essential.
    • When the network policy is Deny All, all inbound traffic is blocked. Outbound ARP and DHCP traffic is forwarded. All other outbound traffic is blocked.